Have you ever received a gift that seemed like it was intended more for the person who gave you the gift than it was for you? A fruitcake perhaps?  Only someone who loves fruitcake themselves would think to give another person fruitcake as a gift. When purchasing promotional products for your clients, remember; it’s not all about YOU, it’s about THEM.  Although your logo is about you, and your business is about you, the gift (promotional product) you give, should be about the client. If you want to make a lasting impression that keeps your business top of mind, it’s important to understand your customers as people, not just consumers.

Some things to consider about your clients before ordering promotional products:
Men or women?
Rural or suburban?
Pet owners?
Skilled Tradesmen?
Young or old?

Will the item itself be useful to your clients?  When and where will your client use this item? Does it serve a purpose beyond singing your company name to them when they come across it in an all-American junk drawer? Is it relevant to your client?

Let’s use a family doctor’s private practice for example. Dr. Smith might think it’s a great idea to hand out giant syringe shaped pens to his patients because the item is relevant to his business. But is it relevant to his clients?  Is little Johnny’s mother going to carry something that could possibly be alarming to airport security in her purse or pull it out to sign a check at the local supermarket?  Probably not. This item would likely end up in little Johnny’s toybox.  Does Dr. Smith want his clients digging in the bottom of a toybox for his phone number to schedule an appointment? Wouldn’t it make much more sense for Dr. Smith to give his patients personalized ice packs?  It would be so handy for Johnny’s mother to see Dr. Smith’s name and number at the exact moment of nurturing a scuffed knee.

Go ahead and give your customers a koozie to use at their next backyard barbeque IF you own a lawn care business because a backyard barbeque is a perfect time for conversations about how great your lawn looks. Don’t give them lawn mower shaped mouse pads. The only person who wants a lawn mower shaped mouse pad is the owner of the lawn care business.

If you want your promotional products to be valued as a thoughtful gift, as well as work for you as a business card, make them relevant to the customers. Make them think of your business when they’re actually using it. Don’t think so much about you that your promotional product ends up at the bottom of a toybox.