The Vernon team is the backbone of this company, we treat each other and our clients like family. Our extensive experience allows us to navigate the promotional industry and engage clients with ease and confidence. We are a team of creative, and loyal experts dedicated to helping you succeed! You will find that our deep-rooted passion and innovation drive us to consistently find ways to wow your clients and differentiate you from your competition.
Looking to Join our Team? Check us out and learn more about the Vernon Vibe!

Dave Regan
Former VP Sales & Marketing

For the past 32 years of working with The Vernon Company, I have truley been blessed to have found such a great family-owned company. I worked with a phenomenal team of individuals every single day and it is a company that genuinely cares about helping others succeed.

Cathy Leong
Account Executive
San Francisco, CA

“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us” This quote is how I feel about ending up at Vernon, in Iowa, where I began (literally) is where I will end my career. I can’t think of anything better than working with great people such as yourselves.

Jon Smith
Account Executive
Wellston, OH

I thank the Vernon family for a wonderful 20 years of employment. It has been a fabulous journey for sure. I can genuinely say that it has been life-changing for me, and I appreciate your commitment to keeping the company healthy and moving forward. It means a lot to this old guy. I am most grateful to you all.