
Promoting your brand with an advertising calendar can deliver significant recall results:

  • 75% of people who have an advertising calendar can remember the advertiser and product or service/message advertised.
  • 78% of people receiving an advertising calendar plan to do business with the company again.
  • 61% had a more favorable impression of the advertiser.
  • 49% have referred the company who gave them the calendar to somebody else.

Even in today’s ever-increasing technological age, the printed advertising calendars is still very relevant and wanted. Results of a recent study prove it:

  • 29% of homes and 78% of business have a printed calendar.
  • 8 out of 10 said calendars were important in their daily lives.
  • 50% of people have never used the calendar function on their cell phone.

Calendars are simple giveaways that can be used to give your brand 12 months of visibility – giving you more staying power.