Workplace wellness is a topic that remains an important one. We spend a majority of our waking hours at work (or dealing with work) and creating an environment that fosters wellness makes sense in more ways than one. Here are four tips to making a workplace wellness initiative a success.
Remember that wellness involves more than just physical health. Take a holistic approach when thinking about workplace wellness. You need to address the physical, mental and emotional health of your employees. Yes, having a wellness center on your premises will help your employees with their physical health but why not think about offering people a paid day off to volunteer for their favorite organization, as well? You’ll be boosting morale AND helping your community.
Consult your workforce. Wellness isn’t something that comes from upper management or just one segment of your company. It’s an experience that can influence your corporate culture in a big way. You want to make sure that everyone from the CEO to the mail room is involved and invested in the conversation.
Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Wellness is an art, not a science in the workplace. Strategies that work for one organization might not work for another and that’s okay. Your company needs to learn what does work for your employees and deliver programs and initiatives that support that strategy.
Start with small changes. Sweeping big changes might sound great on paper but they can be costly and ineffective. We are creatures of habit so it may be more realistic for people to make positive changes to their overall wellness on a small scale in the beginning. Examples could be establishing a certain time of the week as a quiet time where no meetings can be held so that everyone has time at their desks to accomplish tasks or promoting a healthy company-wide snack option once a week such as yogurt, fruit or smoothies.
How do you foster workplace wellness in your organization? Share your tips in the comments below.
We’ve also put together a collection of items that you can use to help foster a healthy workforce. Click the Shop Now icon below to see the collection.