Promotional items can help you promote a company very effectively and can often be something that people will remember years after you have stopped handing them out. There are five main things you need to remember and keeping these things in mind will ensure that the entire experience is a positive one for your company.

It can be a good idea to try and choose promotional gifts that stand out. Items that are unique because of their features or appearance will often have more of an impact than a normal, run of the mill item will.

Remember that the best items are the ones that are relevant to your brand. There should be a purpose to the distribution of the items you are purchasing. Tying them to an event or a special occasion will have more of an impact than simply giving out random items.

You want to ensure that what you are handing out is of good quality. The quality of the item also needs to factor in the quality of the personalization methods as well. Make sure the embroidery on a custom cap will not fray and that the engraving on an award is deep enough that it will not wear off.

There are many different costs associated with handing out promotional gifts. First, there is the cost of the items themselves. The second is the cost of any personalization methods such as engraving or printing. There will also usually be costs to have the items shipped to you as well. Finally, if you are packaging more than one type of promotional gift together there will also be the cost of the container or package.

The first thing to remember is that you can’t purchase something and expect it overnight – getting a promotional item decorated can take time. You need to leave enough lead time between when you place your order and when you need your items to have those items manufactured, personalized and shipped to you.