
Kulsrud Benefit Committee

What was the primary objective of the program and the promotional product and who was the target audience?

In the small town of Carrington, ND lived a family that received news that their 11 year old son was diagnosed with a rare genetic brain disorder. As a fund raising event was being planned, the other two sons’ were tested and also received the same diagnosis.

Two volunteers contacted me to create a shirt that could be sold as a fund raiser at an event. They would find 25-30 families willing to donate $100 toward the cost of the shirt. The shirts were one piece of the event which had a goal to raise a total $250,000 through a one day event featuring the sale of these shirts, food, entertainment and a live auction.

What promotional products were used and distributed to the target audience?

The group chose apparel for the promotion products – adult and youth sized crew sweatshirts and long sleeve tee shirts

The most outstanding features of the program were…:

The event planners sold ad space to local ranch families that would display their “Brand” on a shirt. Being a ranching community the brand that each ranch uses to identify their cattle is something very personal. By displaying more than a list of contributors on a shirt would make this promotional item something that visually was something unique that would create interest and sell more shirts.

What results were achieved to the objective for the promotional products:

The objective was to create a shirt that could be sold for as a fund raiser. The original concept was to receive 25-30 donations and the committee was able to secure 92 donations which was three times the original goal. The group anticipated ordering 300 to 400 shirts and the result was an order for 1,850 total shirts. The entire event raised over $277,000 for the family.