You may give away your promotional products because these items – which display your branding to your customers whenever you use them – which is great, inexpensive way to get marketing exposure! But sometimes, all you hear is “inexpensive” without realize that there are a number of factors that can influence the price of promotional products.
Here are three for you to consider the next time you place an order…
- Quantity – As a rule, the more you purchase, the lower the price can be. Keep in mind that manufacturers set minimum order quantities, which are higher for inexpensive items that for expensive items.
- Imprint – Catalog prices include a 1-color, 1-location imprint – which is the least expensive option. If you are on a budget, this is the way to go. But if you want to give away something a little fancier, you may consider imprints on two sides or multiple colors but know that this will increase the cost due to additional setups and running charges.
- Timing – Promotional product distributors can work miracles – if the stars align and you’re willing to pay additional fees. If you plan ahead and give yourself a few weeks for delivery – you won’t subject yourself to rush charges, expedited shipping or potential mistakes. Not every item can be produced overnight, so ordering early means more selection of less-expensive items.
So when you call to order elaborately-imprinted bags that you need next week and find that the price is higher than you expected, consider the quantity, imprint, and timing. And next time, if you need to work within certain budgetary limits, then give yourself plenty of time, order more, and consider a simpler imprint.