1216_blogimageCraft cocktails are all the rage, featuring the perfect balance of alcohol, bitters, zest and sweetness mixed into creations such as the Old Fashioned or Sazerac. In the board room, a different brand of mixology is taking place: the meticulously designed publicity campaign. All beneficial and lucrative PR and marketing strategies are devised like a classic cocktail, with an emphasis on industry standards, creative execution and an array of unique approaches that parallel the goals of the business or individual.

Local And Community Print: The Base. This is the heart of any publicity campaign. Print media publications serve as the base of your PR and marketing cocktail—everything builds from this. Articles placed in local and community magazines help establish visibility and lend credibility in your particular field. When you are looking for the proper starting point, look no further than the printed page.

While the allure of a television or radio interview can seem enticing—and they do have their place in the publicity mix—your information in local and community print publications offers permanence. A satellite outlet or emergency broadcast message will not interrupt your expertise.

Broadcast: The Modifier. The purpose of a modifier in a drink, traditionally an additional liqueur such as Vermouth, is to enhance the impact of the base. That brings us to interviews and appearances on the broadcast medium, which work to augment your efforts in the area of print. The modifier will not make your campaign, but it will absolutely enrich it.

Interviews And Op-Eds: The Flavor. The flavoring in an artisan cocktail truly sets it apart from its traditional counterparts. Grenadine, tropical juices, ginger beer—the ingenuity in flavors makes your beverage stand out; the same is true for your publicity campaign.

Interviews that result in quotes in daily newspapers—local and national—and newsstand magazines bring your personality to the forefront. A controversial or distinct idea in the pages of publications with massive readership puts your views on wide display, and helps to establish you as a one-of-a-kind expert in your area.

Op-eds take this a step further. They provide you with a forum to distinguish yourself from your colleagues, imparting a unique opinion or thought process on your audience, which can make you a household name for your beliefs.

Online Components: The Garnish. You are finishing your creation with a flourish that doubles down on your established base, modifier and flavors. Since most, if not all, print media have an associated website, newsletter or blog, many articles or interviews that appear in print will also be featured online. This achieves a dual impact of your original piece, as it now exists on computer screens as well as in tangible print, which only helps to extend your reach.

With the advent of our social media society, online articles may garner even more mileage, as sharing pieces deemed particularly informative or valuable has become one of the cornerstones of Facebook and Twitter. You’re only a few clicks and shares away from going viral. Follow these publicity tips for your business and you will be on your way to becoming the toast of the town.

Source: Russell Trahan is president of PR/PR, a boutique public relations agency specializing in positioning clients in front of their target audience in print and online. PR/PR represents experts of all kinds who are seeking national exposure for their business or organization. Russell and PR/PR will raise your business’ awareness in the eyes of your clients and customers.