If you’re going to invest in cause marketing, make it count! Worthy awareness campaigns run throughout the year. There are a number of causes you can support and help to promote, while promoting your business at the same time. Here are three tips that can make your investment matter.
Choose the right match.
When choosing a cause to associate your company with, select one that employees and the community can get behind. This contributes to goodwill from within and creates greater enthusiasm for your company and workplace. For an even bigger payoff, involve employees in the selection process. Select a cause that matters to your employees and customers and make it a win-win for you and the cause you’re supporting.
Draw attention.
Promotional products can enhance your return and make sure your message and contribution is noticed. If your company is volunteering time, draw attention with shirts or caps with your company logo for all the volunteers. If you’re sponsoring an event, consider sunscreen, prepackaged snacks, lanyards or backpacks. For fundraising efforts, resell awareness bracelets or lapel pins, and place a banner in the store or workplace to track progress.
Show and tell.
Don’t be shy about promoting your do-good work. Your employees, customers and community neighbors should know what you’ve been doing, especially when it’s good.